
Review: The Power of Love

This review was originally posted on Punch Drunk Critics So every now and then I get my hands on a DVD or a link to review over here at Punch Drunk Critics. These magical things are like the biggest random element to grace a critics’ eyes because who knows what this is going to be….

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Review: Disney’s Planes

This review was originally posted on Punch Drunk Critics A lot has been made about tentpole movies of the summer and how it’s going to destroy the business, but there has been another trend along with the explosions and superhero costumes: the CG animated feature. We’ve gotten to the point where all of the studios…

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Review: Turbo

This review was originally posted on Punch Drunk Critics Have you ever noticed in animated kids films how they spend so much time on how it’s fine to be different and not part of the crowd? They really do a good job these days of smartly making movies where the theme is that it’s ok…

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The Man of Steel & Yeezus episode

In this quick fast episode I go into a bit more on why I dislike the Man of Steel film and I cover the recently leaked and released Kanye West album Yeezus.

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bul·ly: ? ?[bool-ee] Show IPA noun, plural bul·lies, verb, bul·lied, bul·ly·ing, adjective, interjection Noun A blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. That is what a dictionary explanation of bully is. A bully is something we all know. It’s something that has been in pop culture since post war…

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Would you ever think of Will Ferrell, Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal together in a movie? How about a Spanish language movie? A movie that is a telenovela like the stuff you’d see on Telemundo or Univision. Yeah that’s what they made and it’s called Casa De Mi Padre, a comedy that feels like…

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