- Oh man it’s almost time for #Lost ! And it’s about the immortal Richard!! Yes!
- So Ilaoro got the knowledge god from Jacob when she was all mummied up.
Richard lost his faith…ha ha! #Lost - Man Richard your story is dumb sad. Like braveheart sad. This dude is a sucky priest. Frak you old world holy man! #Lost #
- oh man he’s a slave! raises black fist! #Lost #
- ESAU comes a calling white dude shipdude. #Lost #
- You notice that Esau in smokey form in the 1800s sounds like outside. Like crickets and bugs and stuff. #Lost #
- Man this episode is great it’s all flashback. Like a one shot comic book. #Lost #
- Esau is mad dirty playing games with Richard like that. Mad foul. #Lost #
- Ah man Richard no wonder Esau punched you in the stomach. You gotta pay what you owe. #Lost #
- Dang so if one word is uttered you lose if you fight one of these guys. the have convert power. #Lost #
- Jacob beat that @$$. #Lost #
- Richard is the original Sayid. #Lost #
- @JonHexLives yep. this show is more religious than people might think. in reply to JonHexLives #
- damn why isn’t the Richard episode two hours? #Lost #
- A talk with God. #Lost #
- This is the best episode of the entire series. This episode is the entire series. #Lost #
- Hurley with save. And in Spanish no less! #Lost #
- This joint has overrun like wrestling! #Lost #
- Jacob say sip on this wine son! Be easy. #Lost #
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