Ignorant Bliss 71: What’s LAAB with Ronald Wimberly


I called up my friend Ronald Wimberly to talk about his new release LAAB from Beehive Books. I ask him about the people included in the newspaper along with the topics covered and the art and comics included. We also tangent a bit in the middle to talk about Jean-Michel Basquiat and his place in culture.


Buy LAAB – http://www.beehivebooks.net/shop/preorder-laab-magazine-0-dark-matter


Follow Ron:



Music in this episode:

You Are Luhhh- Frank Ocean

Tony Tone – A$AP Rocky

Cripn 4 Life – Snoop Dogg & Dave East

Roll (Burbank Funk) Kaytranada remix – The Internet


All the music copyright their respective owners

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Summer Playlist:

Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/ignorant-bliss-2018-summer-jams-ill-cuts/pl.u-26PjqtoNW8Y

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/julianlytle/playlist/4CadKwLTaoUeW80mQe0I8R?si=g7JZNAcxTtKWY13qjabSiA

Ignorant Bliss 2017 Dope List:

Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/playlist/ignorant-bliss-2017-dopelist/pl.u-GVY6BsrZ1Ve

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/julianlytle/playlist/29lMJneji95pQtlkqZpbfw

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